Friday, July 17, 2015

Riding through the Mountain...

This is Monday, the 13th day of my trek in Costa Rica.

This morning Tammy taught me how to make laundry soap. 
I hope to make this at home in NJ (states). I am allergic to perfume that is
 used in the laundry soap in the stores. So this way I can make my own soap 
with lavender scent… I love the smell of lavender. Sweet!

Tammy also taught me how to make butter. People here in Costa Rica do not
 have butter easily available in this country. Tammy is blessed to have cows' milk
 to make her own butter. Tammy started teaching her neighbors that have
 cows to make butter. The neighbors loves having butter in their homes.

In fact, one neighbor used buttermilk to make white cream sauce. Great idea!

  This afternoon I helped brush down the horses to get ready to go horseback riding.

Christopher calming the horse down. The horse got scared because the chicken had pecked at his feet. Horses do not like the chickens pecking at their feet. They get quite upset over it.

Here I am riding on the horse down the field.
 I just learned that they have lots of land on this mountain.

We are riding along the property. Their property lines go along the national reserves.
 It's very beautiful out here in the field.

Here are the flock of sheep in the field, grating the grass out here in the field.

We turned around and started heading back to the house. 
We were quite far from the house in the field. The horse I was riding suddenly bent
 his front legs and rolled onto his side laying on top of me. 
I was like, “What is happening here??” 
The weight of the horse was weighing down on my leg/ankle and started to hurt me,
 I kinda yelled, “Tammy!!” Tammy turned around and was in a shock 
asking Christopher, “What just happened!!!” Christopher was behind me looking at
 Tammy in shock not knowing what just happened. Tammy came to me trying to pull 
me out from underneath the horse and Christopher getting the horse to get up onto it's feet. 
We were all in shock. The horse had never done that before. Bewilderment to all of us!

Tammy decided that I get on her horse and she took the reins and walked 
all the way back to the house. Remember that we were far from the house.
 It was a long walk for Tammy. Christopher took my horse and galloped all the 
way back to the backyard. When we got home, we talked about what happened.
 Christopher thinks the horse did it on purpose just to get me off of him in a gentle way. 
If he was mean, he would've bucked me off. But no, he actually did it in a gentle way. 
Stubborn but nice horse. Tammy said, “That is enough adventure for you Jen for the day.”
 I relaxed for the rest of the day.

This was my biggest adventure of the day here in Costa Rica. I know more will come.
 Never a dull moment here on the farm. Something is always happening around here!

End of day 13 of my Costa Rica trek. More to come.


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