Sunday, August 9, 2015

And the Rain, Rain, Rain, Comes Down, Down, Down...


This is days 33-38, Sunday to Friday of my journey in Costa Rica. It has been raining 
everyday this week here on the mountain. I was not able to do much due to the weather. 
It's been a funny weather pattern this week. Couple days it has rained all day with
 lightning and thunder. Most days were rained then the sun came out,
 then it rained and then sun would come out; all day long for days. 

This one was the day before the rain came along. 
Nice picture of behind the main house. 

Christopher is installing a new light fixture;
 a much needed light in the main room of the main house.

Here what the new light fixture looks like...pretty!

Since it's been raining Tammy and I spent time working on panties this week.

Tammy and I made 27 panties for mothers with children that are poor.

I started on making panties for my younger niece. I now know how to use the sewing machine. 
I am still fine tuning the foot pedal for speed in sewing. I tend to go too fast and goof up. 
Patience is required when using the sewing machine. At least it is for me.

I finished the panties for my niece. She is going to love the bold colors!

Here is the walkway between the bodega and the main house.
I often go thru them throughout the day between the rain and the sun in the day.

One day it was raining hard and thundering outside. Poor Scooby was terrified of the 
thunder and snuck into the house hiding underneath the stairs. Remember he is an outside dog.
 But he was terrified that day… he just had to sneak into the house for his own security, 
hoping not to be seen. So cute!

When we got a break from the rain I was able to take a picture of the most unusual plant 
I ever seen here in Costa Rica. It is a cactus plant. My brother would love to see this. 
He has a great interest in special plants. This I think would definitely fit in his
 special variety of plants. Too bad I can't take it home with me to show him. 
Taking a picture of it for him is the best I can do.

End of my week here in Costa Rica. I now have 5 days left of my trek here. 
I am so excited about going home. I miss my family and my dog. My cousin
 Tammy is not happy with me when I say I am excited that I have 5 days left.
 It's been a long journey, but guess what? I am feeling soo much better then 
when I first got here. The main reason I came here is to get well.
 I am feeling much better and ready to go home.

Please pray for good weather and safe traveling this coming Wednesday. 
It is the day I travel to go home to NJ to a small town named Port Republic
 that has a special place in my heart. Its a beautiful peaceful quaint little town.

I will post another blog before I head home next week. 
Adios and good day my family and friends.


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